
Otsego County - Page 17


Editorial: Citius, Altius, Fortius—Communiter

Our present-day Olympics were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, first held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. The exact year of the first Games is obscure; a widely accepted starting date is 776 BC, based on an inscription found at Olympia that lists the winners of a footrace that was held every four years, beginning in 776 BC.…


Northrup: Jim Seward Was a ‘Rare Politician’

Letter from Chip Northrup Jim Seward Was a ‘Rare Politician’ Jim Seward was one of those rare politicians that put his constituents over his personal political ambitions. His agenda was to do right by everyone in his district. He did so for more than 30 years without rancor or bombast. No conspiracy theories, no scandalous behavior. When I lobbied him to ban fracking, I brought him a hat from Texas. “You know, Chip, I don’t accept gifts valued at over…


News from the Noteworthy: Orchestra Preps for Start of Third Season

News from the Noteworthy from Fenimore Chamber Orchestra Orchestra Preps for Start of Third Season Fenimore Chamber Orchestra came about as the result of a conversation held in 2021, during the height of the worldwide pandemic, by its founders Thomas Wolf, Rosemary Summers and Maestro Maciej Żołtowski. Observing that the artistically-rich community of Cooperstown lacked a chamber orchestra, and undeterred by the challenges and doubts of naysayers, the trio’s determination to enrich the region’s musical tapestry began. Prominent members of…


Restaurant Welcomes the Next Generation

Today, after 27 years of stewardship by the Corrigan family, The Lake House remains a beloved destination for fine dining, celebration and relaxation. As the next generation—Sabina and Patrick—step forward, they are poised to carry on the tradition of blending heritage with innovation, ensuring memorable experiences for years to come.…

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