
Otsego County - Page 23


Editorial: Coming Together—United in Celebration

Congratulations to the National Baseball Hall of Fame, just 15 years short of its 100th Induction, from “The Freeman’s Journal,” which has been around for all those ceremonies. Please be safe, friendly, thoughtful and polite, everyone, as you navigate through the widely diverse crowd of visitors, all of whom are entirely focused on celebrating the achievements of the four inductees.…


Waterfield: HAB Identified in Otsego Lake

Lake users should use caution and check the water conditions prior to use, as bloom conditions are known to change quickly. Keep watch along the shoreline and at the surface in protected areas (boat slips, small coves, etc.). Avoid discolored or cloudy water, green streaks, foamy accumulations, etc., as these areas may contain cyanobacteria and the associated toxins.…


News from the Noteworthy: Update on Proposed Housing in Our Village

Within the NYF process, no project was proposed for 217 Main Street, the former Where it All Began Bat Company. The village has long been interested in that site’s potential for housing. However—because of the NYF process—a developer of housing became aware of the property. Vecino Group ( is a national company dedicated to the development of affordable and supportive housing.…


Five Staff Leaders Achieve DSP 3.0 Credential at Pathfinder Village

“The relationships that develop among direct support professionals and the people with disabilities they work with each day are key to the individuals’ fulfillment and independence,” said Karen Knavel, Pathfinder Village’s president and chief executive officer. “As people age and experience dementia, it is essential that direct support staff are knowledgeable and committed to ensuring their well-being and continued community engagement. Pathfinder has focused on aging services for over a decade, and we’re proud of our DSP 3.0s who assist…

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