
Otsego County - Page 3


Otsego County To Benefit from Conservation Grants

The grants were awarded through the Small Watershed Grants program, a key funding mechanism of the federal-state Chesapeake Bay Program designed to support projects within the Chesapeake Bay watershed that promote voluntary, community-based efforts to protect and restore the diverse and vital habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams.…


Literacy Volunteers To Celebrate 50 Years This Sunday

“Each student is unique,” said Executive Director Jeanne Ellsworth. “We help them to achieve a variety of goals, from reading a simple story to their children or the instructions on a prescription bottle, to getting a driver’s license or a job, to passing the High School Equivalency or U.S. Citizenship exams. We welcome both native speakers and those for whom English is a new language. And we welcome new tutors, the lifeblood of our organization.”…


Preservation League Announces Call for Nominations for Seven to Save Program

This call for nominations will result in the listing of seven at-risk sites. Sites selected for the Seven to Save program will receive enhanced attention from the Preservation League’s experienced advocacy and technical assistance staff from January 2025 through December 2026. The Preservation League remains active with Seven to Save sites beyond their initial listing as needed.…


SQSPCA Works To Save Lives of Malnourished Dogs; Male Dog in Critical but Stable Condition Following Emergency Surgery

The road to recovery for Oscar and Belle will be long, according to Haynes. Severely emaciated dogs can face a number of problems as a result of and in addition to malnutrition, including dehydration, skin conditions, organ or neurological compromise, anemia, osteoarthritis, a suppressed immune system, and chronic pain. They can develop gastrointestinal problems leading to diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting.…


Lasting Impressions: My Experience at the 2024 Paralympic Games

As much as I enjoyed my daily coffee routine, it was the community within the village that struck me most. Athletes of all abilities and backgrounds mingled as equals, moving between the dining hall, lounge areas, and even the laundry room. In this space, the idea of “typical” didn’t exist. It was a beautiful reminder that being different was not unusual here—it was the norm. There was a sense of unity in this diversity, a powerful statement that excellence comes…


SUNY President Updates Common Council

Cardelle reminded the audience that he is starting his third year as the university’s president. He announced that the school was founded 135 years ago on September 4, 1889 as Oneonta State Normal School, with the goal of training teachers.…


Editorial: Mohawk Valley Gives—Will You?

In order for your donation to be counted toward various Mohawk Valley Gives prize incentives, it must be made online between midnight and 11:59 p.m. on September 20. However—in much the same spirit as early voting—early giving is already underway. The giving period begins on Monday, September 16 and ends on Sunday, September 22,” Katz told us. This year’s Otsego County campaign sponsors are the Bank of Cooperstown, Paperkite, NYCM Insurance, Steve Zerby Design Build and Hartwick College.…

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