
Otsego County - Page 58


Editorial: Tepees, Tupacs, Tipis and…Typos

Some typos are embarrassing, some are incorrect, some are simply hilarious and some can create havoc. Many typos are the result of the work of our modern-day journalists—writers, editors, typesetters, fact-checkers who are working in understaffed offices under undue pressure to get into print what is probably touted as “breaking news” but is, in fact, hastily thrown together and very often un-fact-checked news, perhaps re-slanted.…


Montanti: Enough Is Enough

We, the concerned citizens of greater Oneonta, are frustrated by the apparent lack of transparency in the administration of our City Hall government. Dear Mayor Drnek and city staff, your behaviors of ignoring us are clear and your unwillingness to listen and act accordingly is causing this divide in our city.…

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