Springfield – Page 2 – All Otsego


Springfield - Page 2


Otsego Outdoors Announces Its Winter Octet Challenge

“The Winter Octet Challenges are our most popular,” said Peg Odell, program and communications manager of Otsego 2000. “Some people love the snow and year-round recreation. And for others, when cabin fever hits, they are looking for something to do and get some exercise and fresh air. People tell us the Otsego Octet Challenges are a great motivator.”…


OCCA Expands Programs with National Grant

The project will engage members of the public in collecting data about streams, lakes and stream crossings. The data collected through this initiative will provide essential insights into local watershed conditions and establish robust groundwork for future restoration projects aimed at enhancing aquatic habitats.…


Community Foundation Announces Fall Awards

Each spring and fall, the CFOC solicits award requests from across Otsego County, typically asking nonprofits to focus on certain areas. While the foundation often receives more requests than it can fund, successful applicants are those that come closest to achieving the goals of the focus area. In the last five years, the CFOC has issued awards totaling $1,051,942.00 to 377 nonprofits.…


Students To Present Solutions for Local Needs

“Encouraging philanthropy throughout Otsego County is a major goal for the foundation,” said Executive Director Jeff Katz. “We spark that interest by engaging our youth through a unique program for high-school students designed to sharpen their focus on local needs and issues and encourage them to become leaders in their communities.”…


Oakes Earns Citizenship Award

In addition to his firefighting service, Oakes is an Army veteran who earned the Purple Heart, Defense Service Medal, Commendation Medal, Campaign Medal and Service Medal. He is a member of the Veterans’ Club in Cooperstown, the Richfield Springs Lions Club and the Springfield 4th of July Committee.…