Cooperstown's Rory Nelen and Mia Kaltenbach, Cherry Valley-Springfield's Max Horvath, and Worcester's Matthew Sanders are among the top scorers in recent sports contests.…
Cooperstown's Rory Nelen and Mia Kaltenbach, Cherry Valley-Springfield's Max Horvath, and Worcester's Matthew Sanders are among the top scorers in recent sports contests.…
The proposed Community Distributed Generation project turbines would be located at 489 Sickler Road in the Town of Stark, Herkimer County and at 741 County Road 29 in the Town of Springfield, Otsego County.…
This proposed project is structured to take advantage of state and federal tax codes. As such, these 60-story windmills would be doomed to go from being functioning eyesores to non-functioning eyesores as soon as the accelerated depreciation plays out.…
Read sports scores and game results from area high schools, SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College.…
A Harvestore grain silo in Springfield suffered a catastrophic collapse on Monday, November 27, knocking over an adjacent silo.…
During the process, it was noted that one of the buoy lights was smashed and will need to be replaced. Anyone with knowledge of such vandalism is asked to contact Lord at…
The Town of Otsego is very lucky to have Lauren Glynn running for town justice. Why do I say this? For starters, if elected Lauren will be the only justice in the Town of Otsego who is a trained lawyer and has practiced law in our county.…
The Glimmerglass Festival has reduced its 2024 calendar to about a third of the potential season length of late spring, summer and early fall. This reduction means that one of the finest entertainment venues in America will sit idle most of the time...…
New pickleball court in Cooperstown, Tri-Valley League soccer results and more.…
We are writing this letter in support of MacGuire Benton. My husband and I enthusiastically support Mr. Benton in his run for Otsego County clerk.…