
This Week's Newspapers - Page 16


Chamber Announces Winners for Spring Awards Dinner

Chamber Announces Winners for Spring Awards Dinner ONEONTA—Next Wednesday, May 24, the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce will present community awards to businesses, organizations, and individuals who have given back to their communities and have enhanced the overall “quality of place” in Otsego County. The chamber’s Annual Spring Dinner and Awards Presentation event will take place at Dewar Arena at Alumni Field House on the campus of SUNY Oneonta. Nominations for these awards were submitted by area citizens through a…


Developer Holds Public Meeting

Developer Holds Public Meeting By DAN SULLIVANILION Last Tuesday, May 9, solar developer EDF (Electricite de France) Renewables hosted one of the meetings the company is required to hold under the rules established by the State Office of Renewable Energy Siting, known as ORES. Public outreach is a necessary component for developers who hope to build large, utility-scale projects in New York. The framework for these projects is laid out in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, a 2019…


Mayor Comments on Budgetary Measures, Development Strategies

Mayor Comments on Budgetary Measures, Development Strategies By WRILEY NELSONONEONTA Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek discussed new city revenue sources at the Common Council meeting on May 2. Drnek had raised the issue of unsupported spending in a November council meeting; the city could not spend enough to meet its goals without breaching its tax cap or drawing from its general fund. “The continuing escalation of costs in health-care insurance, fuel, equipment purchases, maintenance, and staffing will require a choice to…


Editorial: What Do May Flowers Bring?

Editorial What Do May Flowers Bring? The old rhyme about spring—April showers bring May flowers—was most likely intended to buoy the soggy human sprits of those last muddy weeks of winter, especially in places like Otsego County, where there have historically been only two seasons: winter and Fourth of July. Now it seems that Otsego County may be more representative of the school-kid joke that followed up on the rhyme—April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?” Pilgrims.…


The Partial Observer: Saving Main Street Possible with NY Forward

The Partial Observer by James Dean Saving Main Street Possiblewith NY Forward The $4.5 million NY Forward grant is another great accomplishment by the Village of Cooperstown’s Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh, Deputy Mayor Cindy Falk, the village board and administration, and other major, local, participants. The sustained, upward trajectory of multiple multi-million dollar grant accomplishments began when Jeff Katz was first elected mayor of Cooperstown in 2012. Village trustees Ellen Tillapaugh and Cindy Falk were there from day one of Cooperstown’s…


Seamon: Survey Shows Project To Be Very Unpopular

Letter from Nathan Seamon Survey Shows ProjectTo Be Very Unpopular The Town of Columbia survey results for the proposed Columbia Solar Project and Battery Storage Facility conducted by mail in March and April are in and have been tabulated. At the request of the Columbia Town Board, the survey was conducted by the Columbia Planning Board to better understand the opinions of the residents and property owners about the proposed solar project that developer EDF Renewables has been pitching in…


Schoonmaker: Climate Action Plan Not Widely Discussed

Letter from Gary R. Schoonmaker Climate Action Plan Not Widely Discussed Is there some kind of media blackout around the Climate Action Council’s activities? The New York State government (Legislature and governor), passed a law in 2019 called the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). That act set a goal of “net-zero carbon emissions for the entire state economy by 2050.” In order to implement that goal, the legislation commissioned a Climate Action Council to develop a draft…


News from the Noteworthy: Hospice Nurses Are Innovators in a Changing Field

News from the Noteworthy by Helios Care Hospice Nurses Are Innovators in a Changing Field As we close out National Nurses Week, I would like to recognize a very special discipline of nursing, hospice nurses. While all nurses are special—I know, I’m married to one—I think hospice nurses are special in many unique ways.I often tout that Helios Care has innovation in our DNA, and that is because of the way our nurses approach each and every day. Not unlike…


News Briefs: May 18, 2023

News Briefs: May 18, 2023 Mayor Drnek To Address Networking Group ONEONTA—Community Conversations, a networking forum for people interested in Oneonta’s past, present and future, will celebrate its tenth anniversary on Tuesday, May 23 at 8 a.m. at Green Earth Health Market. Oneonta Mayor Mark Drnek will provide a special address recognizing the group, which meets informally on Tuesdays from 8-9 a.m. Green Earth is located at 4 Market Street, Oneonta. For more information or to join the conversation, call…


The Partial Observer: Drapery Project Results Revealed

Hyde Hall Board of Trustees Chair Gilbert Vincent, Executive Director Jonathan Maney, Rabbit Goody and Catherine Nark discuss the original draperies in 2019 at Thistle Hill Weavers. (Photo provided) The Partial Observer by John Aborn Drapery Project Results Revealed The early days of Hyde Hall were uncertain. There was no initial funding or plans for its recovery, and the structure was nearly demolished in the 1960s. However, the building was miraculously saved by a small, devoted group of friends. Over…

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