
This Week's Newspapers - Page 16


Time Out Briefs: May 25, 2023

Time Out Briefs: May 25, 2023 Unadilla To Hold Memorial Event UNADILLA—The Unadilla Memorial Day/Decoration Day ceremony will be led by Deacon Joseph DeGeorgio at Unadilla Village Hall at 10:30 a.m. on May 29. It will begin with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Veterans Monument on Main Street, followed by a parade to Saint Matthew’s Church Cemetery. Later in the day, there will be additional services at Evergreen Hill Cemetery. A wreath for those who died at sea will be…


Sports Snippets: May 25, 2023

Sports Snippets: May 25, 2023 M/E Wins First Sectional Round MORRIS—The Morris/Edmeston softball team defeated Hunter-Tannersville 33-11 in the first round of the Section IV Class D Tournament on May 18. Kenna Buriello went 5-for-6 with three RBI in the win. Jessica Walling and Ella Sparaco each connected for four hits. Hannah Wist earned the win in the circle; Wist, Madison Moore and Tatiana McAdams combined for 10 strikeouts. M/E advanced to the semifinal round and will face Charlotte Valley…


Citizen Science: The Power of the Placebo Effect, Part I: Magic Feathers and Medical Transparency

Citizen Science No. 5 by Jamie Zvirzdin The Power of the Placebo Effect,Part I: Magic Feathers and Medical Transparency Dumbo! C’mon, fly! Open them ears! The magic feather was just a gag! You can fly! Honest, you can!” I can recite many Disney movies almost word for word, but I also recall that the 1941 version of “Dumbo” made me acutely sad and anxious. And no wonder: a poor baby elephant with big ears is mocked by others at the…


Cultural Critic Speaks at Writers Salon

Cultural Critic Speaks at Writers Salon By WRILEY NELSONONEONTA Cultural critic, artist and award-winning journalist Anne Elizabeth Moore visited the Community Arts Network of Oneonta on May 18 to present selections from her new book. The Feminist Press at the City University of New York released a second, expanded edition of the award-winning “Body Horror: Capitalism, Fear, Misogyny, Jokes,” originally published in 2017, in April. “Body Horror” is a wide-ranging collection of essays that examine the ways consumerist capitalism assaults…


Local Riders Complete Endurance Ride

Kylie Robinson rides Lucky Jody along the Biltmore Challenge course. (Photo provided) Local Riders Complete Endurance Ride Kylie Robinson, Lucky Jody Bring Home Junior Division Award ASHEVILLE, NC Nine-year-old Kylie Robinson and her grandmother, Pat Robinson, both of Oneonta, competed recently in the 27th annual Biltmore Challenge Endurance Rides. Hosted by the Biltmore Equestrian Center on the grounds of George Vanderbilt’s historic Biltmore Estate on Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6, the American Endurance Ride Conference event is comprised…


Locals: People and Businesses in the News, May 25, 2023

Locals: People and Businesses in the News, May 25, 2023 RUGGLES ROYALTY: The finalists for this year’s Cooperstown Central School Ruggles competition were Coralise Bailey, Lily Shanker, Peter Lofrumento, Violet Gentles, Onyx Loewenguth, Avery Croft, Chris Savoie, Emerson Toulson, and Vincent Koedderman. Lofrumento took first place and Bailey was second. HONORARY DEGREE: At the Hartwick College 91st Commencement ceremony on May 20, an honorary degree was conferred on Francesca Zambello, artistic and general director emerita of the Glimmerglass Festival and…


News from the Noteworthy: Ordinances Can Improve Tobacco Retail Environment

News from the Noteworthy by Tobacco-Free Communities: Delaware, Otsego & Schoharie Ordinances Can Improve Tobacco Retail Environment Just a few weeks ago, Tobacco Free Communities: Delaware, Otsego & Schoharie did a survey of tobacco retailers in the City of Oneonta. The survey results provide a microcosm of the tobacco industry’s marketing in the retail environment nationwide, which in turn challenges us to consider their impact on residents’ health. As we have previously written, the tobacco industry spends about 97 percent…


Cooperstown Hosts 1st Pride Weekend

Cooperstown Hosts 1st Pride Weekend Oneonta Site of Block Party, Parade on Saturday, June 3 By WRILEY NELSONONEONTA Otsego Pride Alliance and local businesses will present Cooperstown’s first-ever Pride Weekend at the beginning of Pride Month. The festivities will start at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 1 with a Pride flag raising at Village Hall. Former Cooperstown Trustee MacGuire Benton will attend to kick off the weekend with a special performance by Cooperstown Central School’s Identity Alliance. Stagecoach Coffee will offer…


Bliss: County Must Regulate, Oversee Any Housing of Migrants

Otsego Issues Executive Order Bliss: County Must Regulate, Oversee Any Housing of Migrants By CASPAR EWIGOTSEGO COUNTY On May 16, Otsego County joined the growing list of municipalities that have instituted limitations and conditions on the housing of migrants and asylum seekers entering the United States at its southern border. By adopting the declaration of an emergency set out in New York State’s Executive Order #28, and by issuing its own State of Emergency Declaration, Otsego County officials were empowered…


THIS WEEK: 05-18-23

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta May 18, 2023 FRONT PAGE YMCA Director: FoxCare To Keep ‘Familiar Faces’ Illuminations Light Up Word and Image Gallery in Treadwell NGOs Discuss Algal Bloom Communications Bassett Network Announces Appointment of Executives Inside Chamber Announces Winners for Spring Awards Dinner Developer Holds Public Meeting Mayor Comments on Budgetary Measures, Development Strategies News in Brief News Briefs: May 18, 2023 Sports Snippets: May 18, 2023 Editorial What Do May Flowers Bring? Columns…

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