Christ’s Legacy Calls Us
The Freeman’s Journal/HOMETOWN ONEONTA
Edition of Thursday-Friday, Dec. 25-26, 2014
In the song “O Holy Night,” we hear this line in reference to Jesus: “In his name all oppression shall cease.” That, for me, is the real meaning of Christmas. It’s not about gift-giving, decorations, or being with family. Ultimately, it’s not even about the baby Jesus.
The real meaning of Christmas comes to light when that baby grows up – when we hear the things the grown-up Jesus said and did in the cause of justice, peace and a vision of the world he called the reign of God.
The grown-up Jesus presented a challenge to the powers of his time. He challenged the religious authorities, upset social conventions and even posed a threat to the mighty Roman Empire.
Jesus made such a nuisance of himself that he ended up on a Roman cross. But he left a legacy for those of us who would follow him: a legacy of nonviolent resistance, compassionate service, and championing the cause of all who have been kicked around by the world.
In his name all oppression shall cease. That’s the meaning of Christmas. The challenge of Christmas falls to us: What will we do with the legacy he has given us?
Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Cooperstown