City Council And County Board Candidates Square Off at Debate – All Otsego

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City Council, County Board

Candidates Meet At Forum

Maureen Hennessey, Paul van Der Sommen, Jeff Back, Laura Dohner, Michelle Osterhoudt, Dana Levinson and Madolyn Palmer discuss their various positions as candidates for the upcoming Common Council positions for 1st, 4th and 5th Wards in Oneotna. (Ian Austin/
Oneonta Common Council candidates express views at a League of Women Voters’ forum this evening at SUNY Oneonta’s Dewar Lounge.  From left at front table are, from left, Maureen Hennessy and Paul van Der Sommen running in First Ward; Jeff Back, Laura Dohner and  Michelle Osterhoudt, running in Fourth Ward, and Dana Levinson and Madolyn Palmer, running in Fifth Ward.  Election day is Tuesday,  Nov. 3.   Barbara Heim, at podium, moderates.  (Ian Austin/
The league of Women Voters presented the debates at Morris Hall on the SUNY campus this afternoon where candidates for City Council and County Board discussed their stances on issues ranging from housing to City Managers. Here are the candidates for County Board; Janet Quackenbush, Andrew Stammel, Gary Koutnik, Craig Gelbsman and Amy HornburgHeilveil. (Ian Austin/
Oneonta candidates for the county Board of Representatives also appeared.  From left are county Rep. Janet Hurley-Quackenbush, R-Town of Oneonta, and Democratic challenger Andrew Stammel, the Oneonta Town Board member; County Rep. Gary Koutnick, D-District; – his challenger, James Phillips, failed to appear; and county Rep. Craig Gelbsman, R-12, and his challenger, Democrat Amy HornburgHeilveil. (Ian Austin/


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