Clark Sports Center, ISD To Be Honored At Chamber Soiree – All Otsego

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‘Best Of Best’ Reception Planned

Clark Sports Center,

ISD To Be Honored

At Chamber Soiree

COOPERSTOWN – The Clark Sports Center will receive the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce’s Quality of Life Award, and ISD Tech, the Environmental Stewardship Award, at a “Best of Otsego County” Summer Soiree Thursday, Aug. 22, at the sports center in Cooperstown.

“The Sports Center has significantly contributed to the quality of life in this area by providing amazing programs and opportunities for the local population to attain a healthier lifestyle,” said chamber President Barbara Ann Heegan in announcing the awards last evening.  “According to our members, they are in better shape, have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels … Their energy and mental health has also improved through social interaction with others.”

Heegan called ISD “on the forefront of electronic waste recycling,” noting “over 84,000 pounds of electronic waste has been responsibly recycled. ISD also established an alliance with Opportunities for Otsego to recycle used cell phones and accessories.”

Registration packages will be sent to members on Monday, Heegan said.


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