Pandemic Proving:
Socialism Only Answer
To the Editor:
The most important word to define the “Cares Act” is socialism. One thing is for sure, the private sector will not be the source of a post COVID-19 recovery, either in job creation or in providing the source of accompanying funds!
Think of it: It wasn’t that long ago that President Trump and his Congressional Republican allies were chastising Democrats for wanting to bring nasty “socialism” to America; many uttering “not while I’m in office.”
If I’m not mistaken, the nearly $3 trillion stimulus packages recently approved received bipartisan and/or near unanimous support! Be still my heart; Republicans backing that evil “socialism?” Blasphemy!
Think of it, the policy proposals promoted during the most recent presidential campaign by Bernie, Yang and Liz are now being implemented by Trump and Republicans; and I suspect much more socialism funding will be required.
The private sector is and will be helpless in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, only government can define the faults in “the for-profit sector” and provide reasonable mitigating measures.
I think what will be needed after we shake off this virus will be in the establishment of an annual civilian jobs program, perhaps modeled after our system of military applications.
It might fund many labor-intensive infrastructure programs; a massive reconfiguration of our healthcare system providing universal coverage and in promoting job growth to include much more in home care.
We’ll have to counter wealth inequality programs to begin shifting much needed resources to America’s working poor; expand new energy, environmental clean-up of our air and water, along with expanded food production systems, and then the need to reshape and streamline our national, state and local governments to guarantee more efficiencies and expanded citizen involvement.
The physical and economic health of the nation and the World will have to be led by “smart socialism!” These are my thoughts, what are yours?