Corner Of Walnut Now Safe From Developers – All Otsego

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Cooperstown Corner Once Commercial, Now Residential

Corner Of Walnut Now

Safe From Developers

COOPERSTOWN – The corner parcel at Walnut and Chestnut, which raised concerns after a Dunkin Donuts was proposed there last fall, has been changed from commercial to residential zoning with a unanimous vote by the Cooperstown Village Board.

“This property is a bit of an anomaly,” said Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh. “There are two residential properties on Linden Avenue who didn’t know their back yards were zoned commercial.”

Both the Village Planning Committee and the County Planning Department supported the change. “It’s unusable,” said Tillapaugh. “It’s land-locked. It will have greater value as a residential property.”



  1. Let’s see… land Was Bought as a commercial lot, and owned as an investment for many years. Many. Then lot is finally “Sold” to a village APPROVED commercial business type (bakery) willing to work w HPARB to try to get the look right, and with planning to get the egress right. But this village declares those rights irrelevant And undermined both the long term zone-abiding lot owner’s rights to a profit plus those of the purchasing entity. This is precisely why I opposed the motion as a member of the planning committee.

  2. Isn’t it “nice” — and incredibly hypocritical — that the board is saving a tiny lot from development, while allowing Bassett Hospital — and the many millions of dollars of the Clark Estates behind it — to desecrate the bottom of Walnut Street with the new Bassett parking lot. Two bad all of the trustees, and mayor, can’t be replaced in the upcoming election.

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