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Correction: Mel’s Anniversary Celebration Is Saturday, Nov. 16

COOPERSTOWN—Mel’s at 22 will celebrate its 10th anniversary on Saturday, November 16, NOT on Friday, November 15 as printed in our hard-copy newspapers.

The celebration, from 7-10 p.m., will feature live music by a local band, drink specials and free hors d’oeuvres.

“We’re going to have the Kenesaw Mountain Boys play—Scott Anderson on guitar and harmonica, Angus Mackie, bass, Chuck Matteson, drums, Amar Sastry, lead guitar, Cliff Schadt, mandolin, and Butch Yager, congas. It seemed only fitting, since they were the first band to play for us.

We just want to show our appreciation for all the support throughout the years,” Alex Gunther said.

We apologize for the error.


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