County Ballots Replete With Unexpired Terms, Empty Seats – All Otsego

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County Ballots Replete With Unexpired Terms, Empty Seats


The Otsego County ballot for the November 5 General Election, in addition to deciding who the next U.S. president and vice president will be, includes seven races in which a candidate is running unopposed, eight positions with no candidates, and 12 unexpired terms to be filled. Voters will also be asked to vote for or against “Proposal Number One: Amendment to Protect Against Unequal Treatment.” Turn to page 9 for the full proposal text.

As of press time on Tuesday, October 29, the presidential race between current Vice President Kamala Harris/Tim Walz (DEM, WOR) and former President Donald Trump/JD Vance (REP/CON) is too close to call.

Sitting U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (DEM, WOR) is being challenged by Michael D. Sapraicone (REP, CON) and Diane Sare (LAR) and, closer to home, incumbent Senator Peter Oberacker (REP, CON) of Schenevus is running against Oneonta’s Michele Frazier (DEM, WOR). Congressman Marcus Molinaro (REP, CON) faces challenger Josh Riley (DEM, WOR) and there are four Assembly races: Assemblymember Christopher Tague (REP, CON) versus Janet Tweed (DEM, WOR) in District 102; Assemblymember Joe Angelino (REP, CON) versus Vicki Davis (DEM) in District 121; and Assemblymember Brian Miller (REP, CON) versus current Otsego County Board member Adrienne Martini (DEM, WOR) in District 122. Current Assemblymember Robert Smullen (REP, CON) is running unopposed. [Turn to page 6 to learn more about these candidates and the initiatives they espouse.]

Here in Otsego County, the City of Oneonta is looking to fill two unexpired Common Council terms. Elayne Mosher (DEM, HHE) is running against Rick Ranc (REP, OWU) to represent Ward 1, and Don Mathisen (DEM) is running unopposed for the Ward 8 spot.

In the Town of Hartwick, Town Justice Glenn Schilling (CON) is running unopposed and former Superintendent of Highways Owen Wellman (REP) resigned earlier this year and is not actually running for reelection, though his name appears on the ballot, unopposed. Keith Bronson is currently performing the duties of highway superintendent to fill Wellman’s unexpired term and is running as a write-in candidate, as it was too late for him to be added to the ballot, town officials said.

Unexpired terms on town councils appear to be the order of the day. Of the three other contested races countywide, all are to fill unexpired terms. In the Town of Decatur, Johnathan Kersman (DEM) is running against Julia Parker (REP) for supervisor. In the Town of Richfield, Charles Furner (REP) is running against Dan Sullivan (RRI). In the Town of Westford, Joanne Tobey (DEM) is running against Joseph Poliseno (REP).

Two uncontested races for Town of Laurens Council Member and Town of Unadilla Council member, in which Kim Sparaco (REP) and Lawrence Crosier (REP) are running, respectively—are also to fill unexpired terms. Jocelyn Harris (REP) is running uncontested for Westford Town Justice.

Finally, and perhaps most troubling, there are eight positions open for which there are no candidates. They are: Cherry Valley town justice (unexpired term); Exeter town justice and council member (unexpired term); Maryland supervisor and council member (both unexpired terms); Morris town justice; and Plainfield town justice and council member (unexpired term).


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