Craig Buckbee Gives Talk
To Trouts Unlimited
Above, Guest speaker Craig Buckbee, Burlington Flatts, international fly fisherman, gives a talk on Spey casting techniques to fellow Trouts Unlimited members Barbara Loeffer, Davenport, Mike Empey, Davenport, and Matt Tavross, Milford, and Dave plumber, Oneonta, this evening at Fortin Park where the Charlotte Creek meets the Susquehanna River. Buckbee brought a selection of rods which he used to illustrate how to cast and recover the line with minimal effort by using ‘the snake’ and ‘D’ method of recovering and re-directing a line with minimal effort and water disruption. Right, Craig Buckbee in action, demonstrating the ‘D Spey’ cast, as it forms the shape of a ‘D’. (Ian Austin/