High School Principal Takes AD Job

COOPERSTOWN – Mike Cring, Cooperstown High School principal since 1995, has resigned to accept an athletic director position at a larger school.
Locally, he had recently been reassigned to a new position at the high school, combining director of curriculum and athletic director responsibilities. Due to the shift in responsibilities, a search is already underway for a new high school principal.
He will be departing at a time of transition in the CCS district.
The search for a new superintendent is also underway, given the passing of the school superintendent in an ATV accident in March. Also, an elementary principal has just been named.
While the news quickly spread through the school community, CCS Board Chair Theresa Russo said she hadn’t received an official letter of resignation and, therefore, could say nothing. She said she might be able to say more “in a couple of weeks.”
Cring was born in Watertown and raised in Morristown, on the St. Lawrence River. He graduated from Morristown Central School and received his teaching degree from Springfield College in Massachusetts. He received a master’s degree from Syracuse University in exercise physiology and a second master’s degree and CAS from St. Lawrence University in educational administration.
Cring worked one year in Rome, Oneida County, as a health fitness Director at the YMCA. He began his teaching career at his alma mater in Morristown, teaching phys-ed, was athletic director and coached basketball for seven years, joining CCS in 1996.