Cuomo Envoy Details
Investments Upstate
With Governor Cuomo’s six-stop statewide tour to deliver his State of the State speech complete, his commissioners today fanned out to New York’s smaller cities to give slide shows and answer the questions of local audiences, as RoAnn Destito, state Office of General Services commissioner, did for 50 elected officials, businesspeople and SUNY Oneonta President Nancy Kleniewski and her team members at Foothills in Oneonta this afternoon. Listening, top photo, are, from left, Oneonta Town Supervisor Bob Wood, and Common Council members David Rissberger and Melissa Nicosia. In photo at left, Mayor Gary Herzig listens to the presentation, in which the $10 million in state Downtown Revitalization Initiative money to Oneonta was mentioned several times. Behind Herzig are County Rep. Andrew Marietta, D-Cooperstown/Otsego, left, and Oneonta Family Y Executive Director Frank Russo. (Jim Kevlin/