Custom Electronics
Wins Grant To Build
Batteries, Add Jobs
ONEONTA – The State of New York has approved a $750,000 grant to help Custom Electronics manufacture a new product line of smart batteries for use in disaster recovery, hospitals and the entertainment field, Otsego Now announced today.
The total project cost is $2.2 million, and is expected to create 50 jobs at the plant at 87 Browne St., Town of Oneonta.
“We at Otsego Now are excited about the company’s expansion plans and new product line and look forward to working with them on this project,” said Otsego Now CEO Jody Zakrevsky.
“Custom Electronics has been a significant and valued employer in our community,” said Town Supervisor Bob Wood. Added Custom Electronics President Michael Pentaris, “We are eager to begin production.”
Custom Electronics was founded in 1964 by Pete Dokuchitz, who later served Greater Oneonta in the state Assembly, to handle overflow work from Bendix (Amphenol). In recent years, its executive developed Ioxus, a battery maker that has since spun off as a separate company.