CVS Addresses Fears
Raised About Sidewalk

By PARKER FISH • Special to

COOPERSTOWN – CVS’ engineers this morning backed away from a handicapped sidewalk plan that some feared would have created an icy hazard for pedestrians during the winter.
At a special meeting of the village Planning Board, Pat Mitchell of BHB Engineering said handicapped access to the new store at Chestnut and Beaver will now be from the Badger Park side of the lot.
Concerns had been raise when CVS crews sloped the Beaver Street sidewalk to create an access to the CVS sidewalk, perhaps allowing water to pool there.
Mitchell called that “a typical field change.” But Gene Berman, Planning Board chairman, said, “The problem is this is a deviation from the plan that we did not approve.”
Mitchell said he will have revised drawing by Monday, in time for the board to review it at the next meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 5.