Dead Man Found at Fox Hospital Was Exeter Kidnapping Victim – All Otsego

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Dead Man Found at Fox Hospital Was Exeter Kidnapping Victim


The man found dead in a public restroom at AO Fox Hospital on May 31 was the victim of the infamous April kidnapping case in Exeter, the Otsego County Sheriff’s Office announced on Thursday, July 20. Michael A. Morton, 32, of West Winfield, entered Fox some time on the evening of May 30. He died of an accidental drug overdose and was found at 10:30 the next morning. Otsego County Coroner Terry Knapp said that the toxicology report found 11 different medications in Morton’s body, including oxycodone, fentanyl and at least one prescription drug.

Morton had been hospitalized at O’Connor Hospital in Delhi from April 30 to May 30. He sustained severe injuries during an unlawful imprisonment in the Town of Exeter. Tyler A. Rose, 26, of Exeter, was arrested on at least nine charges on April 30 after Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the West Exeter Fire Department. Fire personnel had located an adult victim with serious injuries. Interviews with Morton revealed that Rose had held him against his will at Rose’s home and continuously assaulted him with a number of implements and tools over the course of several days. Investigators secured a search warrant and discovered evidence relating to the charges at Rose’s residence. County and town officials have not commented on Rose’s status. According to an obituary, Morton is survived by his wife of nine years, son, parents, sisters and grandmother.


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