Dean: Trump Is Poised To Be a Dictator – All Otsego

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Letter from James R. Dean

Trump Is Poised To Be a Dictator

So the American psycho Donald Trump may again be elected president of the United States of America.

His incurable sicknesses rule his every word and action. He is a frightening demagogue, a malignant narcissist, a sexual predator, a sociopath, if not a full blown psychopath, who lives only for money, power, control, recognition, adoration, revenge, and ultimately destruction.

It is very frightening and sad to see all of the Republicans who are willing to degrade themselves, and sacrifice their own country, to continuously apologize for Donald Trump, and do his insane bidding, either out of fear, or to be close to his dark, possible power, or just to keep their jobs so they can pay their mortgages.

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