Delgado Honors Youth
Who Lives By Micah 6:8

HUDSON – Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-19, Sunday present the Micah 6:8 Award to Hudson High School senior Pierre S. Jeune, as an examplar of living by that Biblical tract: “act justly, love mercey and walk humbly with your God.”
Delgado, who represents Otsego County, made the presentation at the Hudson Interfaith Council’s Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service at Shiloh Baptist Church.
“I was honored to present the Micah 6:8 award to an outstanding example of servant-leadership in this community and an exemplary young man,” he said. “;\…How meaningful it is for us to recognize this college-bound student on the eve of celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — a man who lived his life with unconditional love and service to all.”
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Delgado also delivered the keynote address at the Schenectady County Human Rights Commission’s MLK Coalition 34th Annual MLK Anniversary Celebration Program and Community Town Hall on Sunday.