Delgado To Support
Pelosi For Speaker

Otsego County’s Congressman-elect Antonio Delgado today announced he has decided to support Nancy Pelosi for speaker of the House.
He issued this statement: “I have always said that the only people I am beholden to are the people of my district and every decision I make as their representative will be to best serve them.
“I’ve recently met with Leader Nancy Pelosi and discussed crucial issues facing upstate New York and how they can be addressed in the 116th Congress.
“During the discussion, she committed to help me lead the effort within the House to bring broadband access to our rural communities and help places like Hoosick Falls and Petersburgh which have been forced to endure a crisis of contaminated water. We also agreed on the need to prioritize legislation from the bipartisan heroin task force that will help family members cover treatment costs and better fund prevention in rural communities and we discussed me taking a leadership role on this task force.
“I also expressed that I will work tirelessly to ensure that the people of upstate New York have access to quality affordable healthcare that is accessible to everyone.
“Based on our conversations and her commitment to prioritize issues critically important to the district, I have decided to support Leader Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House.
“As an elected representative, I will always put the priorities of my district at the heart of every decision I make and will be accountable to every constituent.”