Democrat Varney Plans Challenge To Dave Bliss – All Otsego

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Democrat Varney Plans

Challenge To Dave Bliss

By JIM KEVLIN • Special to

Charles Varney

COOPERSTOWN – Democrat Charles Varney, who lives in Cherry Valley and operates the Cooperstown Underground Barbershop on Main Street, plans to challenge county board Chairman David Bliss in the Nov. 2 elections, he announced today.

Bliss, a Republican, represents District 7, which includes the Village of Cooperstown east of the Susquehanna River, plus the towns of Middlefield, Roseboom and Cherry Valley.

“My announcement was the long and short of it,” he said.  “The county’s response to COVID has been lackluster at best, terrible at worst.”  He said county finances are being mismanaged and service “chipped away.”

“The working class if being shafted the whole time,” he said.

Varney grew up in Milford, and graduating with Milford Central’s Class of 2001. He attended Mohawk Valley Community College, and spent 10 years as a respiratory therapist before opening his own business.

He and wife Deanna have a daughter, Kyra, 11.



  1. I have a problem with sweeping generalizations-as-criticisms because I don’t know to what Mr Varney refers. How are the finances mismanaged? How could the Board have done better? I look forward to hearing more. I think that Dave Bliss (and the Board) really stepped up in dealing with the pandemic which was an unforeseen crisis without a playbook to go by, and certainly not something that Dave necessarily signed up for when he ran for the position. He deserves a lot of credit in my opinion.

  2. Why does Bliss continue to fight the hiring of additional corrections officers? Why? Why must our law enforcement officers suffer burnout? Why must the county continue to pay exorbitant amounts in overtime versus hiring additional personnel which would end up saving the county? Bliss opposes this common sense approach. That… is called mismanagement of money. A lot of it!

  3. Look into this Young Man’s Past. He was asked to leave High school for A Verbal attack on a teacher. He is Mentally unstable and Controlling in his personal life. He operates a Business that has No Profit. He is Delusional at best. He has No backing and deserves None. A true Looser

  4. Charles Varney is very incompetent as a Citizen and more. He Barrowed $3000 from his Grandmother, on a Promise to pay it back in 5 months. That was 2 years ago. She is dying of Cancer and he has only seen her once in said 2 years. For the record it was last weekend. For witch he spent 39 minutes with her. Never even mentioned the loan he owed.

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