Developer Briefs Sixth Ward
On Plans For 65 Apartments
By CATHY NARDI • Special to
ONEONTA – With so many housing opportunities gobbled-up by college students who pay by the room, Rehabilitation Support Services of Altamont has concluded Oneonta needs more affordable apartments.
Rehabilitation Support Services took the first step toward meeting that need Wednesday night, appearing before the city Planning Commission and Sixth Ward neighbors to outline a plan to eventually bring 64 affordable apartments here.
The six-acre parcel eyed for the project is a partly wooded lot between River Street and West Broadway, bounded by Duane Street to the west.
“We are a long way from getting started,” said Edmond Overbey, Planning Commission chair. “We did the long form” – for SEQR, the state Environmental Quality Review – “to see what it is we need to do. Next we would have to do an impact statement and an environmental study.”
Rehabilitation Support reportedly plans to appear at the Oct. 17 meeting of the Planning Commission to begin the site plan review.
The apartments would be available to low-income earners who meet specific criteria. The apartments would be rent controlled. Tax credits are available to people who invest in this type of housing.
“Last night was a sketch plan conference,” said Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig. “It’s the first step in this sort of development, where we can have a conversation.”
Great news…….addressing the problem of minutia housing inventory when City government won’t..
Where do I sign up ???
Wonderful, will they be pet friendly? So many people depend on their pet for companoinship and love. Please keep them together, be compassionate!