Digital Subscription Options – All Otsego

Digital Subscription Options

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Subscribing to The Freeman’s Journal is easy!

The Freeman’s Journal is published weekly, 52 times a year with a Thursday publication date and includes a subscription to The cover price is $1.00.

If you subscribe, your first issue will mail 1-2 weeks from receipt of order. Please subscribe using one of the methods below:

By Mail: Send a check or money order in for an amount specified below to The Freeman’s Journal, P.O. Box 890, Cooperstown, NY 13326.
Please make check payable to” The Freeman’s Journal.”
Be sure to include your name and mailing address with payment.

By Phone: Call Larissa Ryan at (607) 547-6103 and provide us with your credit card information as well as your current mailing address.
Please make check payable to “The Freeman’s Journal.”
Be sure to include your name and mailing address with payment.

Online By Credit Card: Use your credit card for secure online subscription purchasing. Simply click on the desired subscription button below.

We accept:
The Cooperstown Newspaper The Freeman's Journal and the Oneonta Newspaper Hometown Oneonta Accepts MasterCard, Discover, and Visa.

Each subscription must be purchased individually.  Payment information is processed securely through AllOtsego’s Virtual Merchant terminal.

1 year subscription (within Otsego County): $69 USD

1 year subscription (beyond of Otsego County): $89 USD

2 year subscription (within Otsego County): $110 USD

2 year subscription (beyond Otsego County): $140 USD

1 year subscription FIRST CLASS MAILING, within continental United States: $155.00 USD

1 year E-Subscription (digital only). Visit our digital subscription options page.

Return/Refund Policy

Newspaper subscriptions are non-refundable.