Letter from Nicole Dillingham
Choose Glynn for Town Justice
The Town of Otsego is very lucky to have Lauren Glynn running for town justice. Why do I say this? For starters, if elected Lauren will be the only justice in the Town of Otsego who is a trained lawyer and has practiced law in our county. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Law School. Why is this important? Well, as a town justice, Lauren will be on call 24 hours a day to handle criminal arraignments (both misdemeanor and felony) as well as family court matters, including requests for protection and traffic citations, among other town business.
It is clearly important to have a justice filling this role who has been to law school and understands the laws of New York. In addition, Lauren has already served as a town justice for the Town of Unadilla and is experienced and trained. I know her to be compassionate, honest and even-handed in all her work. There is no better person running for Otsego town justice. Lauren deserves your vote for Otsego town justice.
Nicole A. Dillingham
Springfield Center