Dr. Craig Marrow, Cooperstown, on piano, and Jim Hanson, Oneonta, lead the dinner revelers at St. James’ Irish Night dinner in a rendition of “Sweet Rosie’s Baby.” Guests enjoyed traditional Irish fair, as well as a performance by the Damsha Beatha Irish Dance Troupe. (Ian Austin/AllOTSEGO.com)
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner ST. PATRICK’S DAY! CORNED BEE & CABBAGE – 4:30 – 7 p.m. Enjoy delicious St. Patrick’s day dinner to support the Richfield Springs Historical Association. Take-Out only. Richfield Springs Community Food Co-op, 140 W. Main St., Richfield Springs. Pre-order at 315-858-0657 or visit www.facebook.com/Richfield-Springs-Public-Library-1068210423236404/…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MARCH 13 ‘St. Patrick’s Day in Plants’ with the Oneonta Federated Garden Club GARDEN CLUB—1 p.m. Join the Oneonta Federated Garden Club for its March meeting all about St. Patrick’s Day. Tony Antes, from the Binghamton Garden Club, will present a program about “St. Patrick’s Day in Plants” and the legends associated with St. Patrick and Ireland. Everyone will enjoy the trivia and all are welcome. Held at St. James Church, 305 Main Street, Oneonta. Visit facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067969369937 BLOOD DRIVE—2:30-6:30 p.m. Save up to three lives with the American Red Cross. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. Register at redcrossblood.org TAX PREP—6-8…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MARCH 25 Arrange Flowers for Spring with Kathryn Kroll GARDEN CLUB—6:30 p.m. “Spring Flower Arranging Workshop.” Presented by the Oneonta Federated Garden Club. $30. Registration required. St. James Church, 305 Main Street, Oneonta. Visit the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067969369937 BLOOD DRIVE—1-6 p.m. Clark Sports Center, 124 County Highway 52, Cooperstown. RedCrossBlood.org…
Great photo and a fun event…but it’s Craig MORROW!