DOWNIE: Paper Isn’t the Same – All Otsego

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Letter from Drew Downie

Paper Isn’t the Same

I am curious about what happened to the paper. We have been looking forward to our weekly drive to the bakery for donuts and The Freeman’s Journal but it seems that we don’t travel in the same social circles as your writers anymore.

Cute kids who learned how to tell port from starboard is a front page story?

There has to be something going on in Otsego County more interesting than that or a new garden for the posh opera people. I guess we are not good or wealthy enough to read the paper anymore.

We miss the days when we could read a good juicy story about happenings in places other than Cooperstown or read an entertaining column. I guess we will still come back once in awhile for the donuts. Schneider’s still has the best!

Drew Downie


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