Eagle Scout, Churches Collaborate In Welcome Sign At Edge Of Village – All Otsego

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Eagle Scout, Churches Collaborate

In Welcome Sign At Edge Of Village

Eagle Scout candidate Charles Gannon, standing at left, obtained the help of his fellow Troop 1254 scouts for signs at the two Route 28 entrances to the village welcoming visitors to Cooperstown's churches.   Others standing, from left, are Tim Walker, Daniel Rudloff and Nathaniel Miller.  Front row, from left, are Matthew Hulse,  Eric Deysenroth, Leo Gannon and Steve Ratliff.  Also assisting were Josh Briggs and Anthony Birch.  (Jim Kevlin/allotsego.com)
Eagle Scout candidate Charles Gannon, standing at left, obtained the help of his fellow Troop 1254 scouts for signs at the two Route 28 entrances to the village welcoming visitors to Cooperstown’s churches. Others standing, from left, are Tim Walker, Daniel Rudloff and Nathaniel Miller. Front row, from left, are Matthew Hulse, Eric Deysenroth, Leo Gannon and Steve Ratliff. Also assisting were Josh Briggs and Anthony Birch. (Jim Kevlin/allotsego.com)

COOPERSTOWN – Charles Gannon’s Eagle Scout project began reaching fruition this morning, as he and fellow scouts in Cooperstown’s Troop 1254 erected a sign at Route 28’s south entrance into the village welcoming visitors to worship at the six local churches.

A similar sign – “The Churches of Cooperstown Welcome You” – will be erected next Saturday at the Route 28 entrance from Fly Creek.

Gannon, a CCS ninth grader, designed the signs and obtained financial backing from the village’s Ecumenical Council to put them up. Medical Coaches, Oneonta, designed special brackets to secure the sign to the upright posts and donated them to the project.

The prospective Eagle Scout is son of Paul and Katherine Gannon, Cooperstown.


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