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After casting his vote Mayor Gary Herzig hands his voting folder to election official Bob Hobkirk at the Foothills Preforming Arts Center. Polls opened at 6am this morning and by 9am had seen a nearly 200 voter turn out. Polls are open until 9pm tonight. (Ian Austin/
After casting his vote at 9 a.m., Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig hands his folder to election official Bob Hobkirk at the Foothills Preforming Arts Center. Polls opened at 6 this morning and by 9 almost 200 ballots had been cast. They will remain open until 9 tonight.  Key Oneonta races include two county board contests – Quackenbush-Stammell in the town and Gelbsman-HornburghHeilveil in the city – and three Common Council seats. (Ian Austin/


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