Emotional Wellness Is Theme of First Children’s Book by Oneonta Native – All Otsego

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Haabiba Rothenberg-Whitney autographs her first children’s book, “Tell Me About Your Happy Place.” (Photo provided)

Emotional Wellness Is Theme of First Children’s Book by Oneonta Native


Haabiba Rothenberg-Whitney, a 1992 graduate of Oneonta High School, has written and illustrated her first children’s book and her first coloring book. Both are titled “Tell Me About Your Happy Place.”

Rothenberg-Whitney said, “This was a unique collaboration. I was asked to write the book as a fundraiser for the Springfield Garden Club.”

The garden club hosted its first-ever Magical Fairy Garden Tour, May 18-27, at the home of Vana Nespor in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Nespor and Rothenberg-Whitney are neighbors who have known each other for seven years. Nespor owned and operated a publishing company with several partners in the past. She had the idea of creating a book with photographs of the beautiful miniature habitats to sell at the garden club event.

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