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FAA: New York Laser Incidents ‘Consistently High’ 


According to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, so-called “laser strikes” continue to be high in New York State.

In information published at the end of August, the FAA stated, “Aiming a laser at an aircraft is a serious safety hazard that puts everyone on the plane and on the ground below at risk. It is also a violation of federal law.”

Data provided by the FAA shows that in New York State in 2024, there had been 271 such incidents as of the end of July. That number of “laser attacks” in New York, according to the FAA, is “consistently high.” None of the reported incidents appear to have taken place in Otsego County. 

In information put out by the FAA earlier this year, FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker said, “The FAA is committed to maintaining the safest air transportation system in the world. Aiming a laser at an aircraft is a serious safety hazard that puts everyone on the plane and on the ground at risk.”

The FAA said that it “strongly encourages the public to report laser strikes to the FAA and local law enforcement agencies.” 

According to the FAA’s information from January, “People who shine lasers at aircraft face FAA fines of up to $11,000.00 per violation and up to $30,800.00 for multiple laser incidents. Violators can also face criminal penalties from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.”

As might be expected, the majority of the laser strikes have taken place in urban areas, with the New York City metro area leading the way. The nearest locations to Otsego County on the list were Albany, Binghamton and Syracuse. 

The FAA said that pilots reported 13,304 laser strikes across the U.S. in 2023, and the data provided by the FAA shows that in July 2024 alone there were 860 reported strikes across the country, with 37—or just over 4 percent—taking place in New York. California had the highest number with 94 (nearly 11 percent), with several other states between New York and California on the list.

The FAA said that it conducts outreach to educate the public about the hazards of lasers aimed at aircraft, while also working closely with other federal agencies and state and local governments to report and investigate incidents, help apprehend suspects, and advocate for the prosecution of offenders. 

Among the resources the FAA has made available to citizens is an updated laser strike video, which can be viewed at; a Spanish language version of the FAA’s “ Lose the Laser” video available here:; the FAA’s 2023 annual press release, “Dangerous Laser Strikes Increased to the Highest Numbers,” available here:; and the FAA’s laser blog, Blinded by the Light. A Look at Cockpit Laser Illumination, available here:


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