Fallen County Marine In Vets’ Hall Of Fame – All Otsego

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Fallen County Soldier

In Vets’ Hall Of Fame

Burlington Flat’s Michael Mayne Honored

Corporal Mayne

BURLINGTON FLATS – Army Cpl. Michael Mayne of Burlington Flats, killed in Iraq in 2009, will be inducted today into the State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, announced yesterday.

Seward called him “a true American hero,” adding, “Michael was an exemplary soldier who cared deeply about his country and the men and women he served alongside.  Tragically, Michael lost his life in Iraq in 2009 and his ultimate sacrifice must always be remembered.”

Mayne, then 21, of Burlington Flats, was serving with Operation Iraqi Freedom.   He was assigned to the 5th Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, a unit of the 25th Infantry Division based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

He lost his life, along with two other American soldiers and a translator, on Feb. 23, 2009, in Balad, Iraq, when insurgents attacked his unit using small arms fire.

A 2006 graduate of Edmeston Central School, Michael was known for his sense of humor and friendly nature.  He knew from a young age that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and serve his nation in the military.  He joined the Army shortly after his high school graduation.

Prior to his service to his country, he had already left a mark on his hometown: On Memorial Day 2003, as his Eagle Scout project, he unveiled flagpoles for each branch of the military in Burlington Flats’ memorial park. A memorial to Michael has since been installed underneath the flags, which honor those who serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

“He believed deeply in his country and the ideals of service and commitment,”  said Seward.  ” I commend Michael and all veterans for their service and sacrifice to our nation,” added Seward.

State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame inductees may be former members of any branch of the Armed Forces, and can be honored for  service in combat or notable work performed after discharge.

Mayne’s biography along with those of other inductees, past and present, can be found on-line at www.nysenate.gov/honoring-our-veterans.



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