Fly Creek Fire Company
Introduces Holiday Card

The Fly Creek Fire Company has announced their new annual fundraising campaign. The inaugural Holiday Card has been painted and donated by local artist Tracy Helgeson. “Ms. Helgeson’s barn paintings are a true reflection of Fly Creek and our surrounding communities, and we are honored that she has contributed her talent to the Fly Creek Fire Company,” officials said.
“My family moved to Fly Creek in 2003. I had taken a break from painting until I saw the beauty of barns in this region,” Ms. Helgeson said. “I’m proud to donate my work to the fire department.”
Pre-order forms are available on the Fire Company website,, and on the Fly Creek Volunteer Fire Company Facebook page. Pre-ordered cards and holiday cards for purchase and will be available for pick-up on Sunday, October 9 from noon to 2 p.m., during Junior Firefighter Day, in conjunction with Fire Awareness Month.
The original Tracy Helgeson oil painting will be sold in a “silent auction” on that day.
All proceeds will benefit the Fly Creek Fire Company and the community it has served since 1948.