For Whom the Bell Tolled in Fly Creek – All Otsego

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For Whom the Bell Tolled in Fly Creek

The Old Fly Creek Preparatory School schoolhouse bell has been restored and was rung on Thursday, September 1 at 4 pm. The schoolhouse was built before the turn of the century by local artisans.

It was originally a 3-room schoolhouse with separate entrances for boys and girls grades K - 6. As many as 125 students attended each year, until it closed in 1956, when Fly Creek students were sent to Cooperstown schools.

The schoolhouse stood empty for many years until the 1960s when the Sammis family purchased it for a family home.
Next Dave Baker and wife Scottie bought and remodeled it in 1968. They used it as their home and had a shop which became The Schoolhouse Furniture Gallery. They sold furniture on all 3 floors to local community members, including many of the school’s original attendees.

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