Four County Library System Seeks Trustee – All Otsego

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Four County Library System Seeks Trustee

VESTAL—The Four County Library System announced that it seeks a resident of Otsego County to serve on the Board of Trustees. 4CLS is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation founded in 1960 under New York education law and chartered by the state Board of Regents. It provides consolidated programs, services, and specialized resources that help 43 libraries in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego counties serve their communities. At a time when public services like libraries and hospitals are suffering from budget cuts and rising costs, especially in rural areas, the 4CLS needs community leadership. The board’s primary responsibilities include governance, policy and financial oversight.

A vacancy exists for one person from Otsego County with a strong interest in supporting, improving and advocating for library services across the region. Applicants must have a primary residence in Otsego County and have a strong interest in public library services, technology and customer service, and the nonprofit sector. Trustees are volunteers elected for a five-year term, with the option to serve for a second term, and participate in about six board meetings each year. For more information or to submit a letter of interest, contact Executive Director Steve Bachman at


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