IN MEMORIAM: Fred Sherwood, 80;
Rose Up The Ladder As State Trooper

UNADILLA – Charles “Fred” Sherwood, 80, a retired trooper who rose to Traffic Division supervisor during a 22-year career with the New York State Police, rode his final patrol on April 26, 2019.
Born March 13, 1939, to Robert and Julia (LaBarr) Sherwood in Liberty. A Class of ’57 graduate of Liberty Central School, Fred enlisted in the Navy in 1958 and was honorably discharged in 1962.
A marriage to Shirley Fredenburg in 1961 started the family that led to daughter Tracey, son David (Michelle, Kylie & Matthew) and granddaughters Maggie & Carly.
After several years with Western Electric, Fred attended SUNY Oswego on the GI Bill. Upon graduation in 1970 with a teaching degree in Industrial Arts, Fred learned he had passed the exam and entered the New York State Police Academy as a trooper recruit. Fred enjoyed a 22 year career with the NYSP, an organization he had great respect for.
During his tenure, he was a road trooper, counselor/instructor at the police academy, a tech Sergeant, station commander and eventually a Traffic Division supervisor.

Fred enjoyed a second career with NYSEG in Elmira, followed by an adventure as a tour bus driver for Oneonta Bus Lines.
Fred enjoyed family reunions, USN ship reunions, gatherings of the Otego Old Boys Club, membership with the American Legion and Unadilla Rod & Gun Club. Fred was honored and humbled to be a volunteer driver for the VA for several years, transporting US Veterans to the VA Medical Center in Albany. He enjoyed winters in Florida where he would attend gatherings of the FARTS (Florida Assoc of Retired Trooper’S). All those who have loved him believe he is now a card-holding member of HEARTS (Heavenly Eternal Assoc of Retired Trooper’S).
Fred is survived by his sister, Rosetta Dill and a large extended family. He was predeceased by his parents Robert and Julia and siblings, Vincent and Katherine Mancusi, Robert, Harold and Dan Sherwood.
Fred’s family wishes to thank Dr. Aaron Harrison and his staff, AM/PM Homecare and Catskill Area Hospice for their loving care and assistance during the past several weeks. At Fred’s request, there will be no services. In lieu of flowers, consider a random act of kindness in Fred’s memory. Any donations may be made to: Delaware Valley Humane Society POB 182 Sidney, NY 13838.
Online condolences may be made at: Arrangements by the Westcott-Madden Funeral Home 123 Main Street Unadilla.
We are truly sorry to hear of the passing of this fine man we were honored to know. Condolences to all his family.
Bonnie & Earl Edwards