‘Friends Helping Friends’ Revived
To Help David Sellover, Art Boden
COOPERSTOWN – “Friends Helping Friends,” which mobilize last summer to help raise funds when Cooperstown Chamber Executive Director Matt Hazzard was stricken with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, is back in action.
And this time, Hazzard, in remission and back on the job, is organizing an event to help to other local men fighting cancer: David Sellover and Art Boden.
Building upon the success of last year’s inaugural event, “Friends Helping Friends,” on Saturday, July 9, are planning a golf tournament, dinner, and silent auction to raise awareness and support for two deserving individuals.
The 2016 “Friends Helping Friends,” will benefit David Selover, a 1998 graduate of Cooperstown Central School and active outdoor sports enthusiast, who has been battling brain cancer since June 2014.
While keeping a positive attitude throughout his journey, David continues to undergo treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and Bassett Hospital, reports Hazzard, who is now organizing this year’s event.
Boden, New York Pizzeria general manager, as recently diagnosed with Mantle Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. An active community supporter through the business and individually, Art will also be receiving treatments throughout the summer at Bassett Healthcare Network under the guidance of Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. He will also be undergoing a stem cell transplant as part of his treatment plan.
Last year, 36 four-person golf teams participated at $75 per person, which includes golf, cart, and dinner. This year the committee expects to see the same participation as last year. The golf event will once again take place at Colonial Ridge Golf Course.
To register a team or make a monetary donation, please contact Matt Schuermann at mattschuermann@hotmail.com or via phone at (607) 547-5007. You can also purchase a hole sponsorship for $100 by contacting Susan Mulligan at mulligs1@nationwide.com or via phone at (607) 437-2727.
Those not playing golf but wishing to attend the dinner event can do so. More details as to location and time will be provided in the coming weeks. To donate an auction item or to attend the dinner only, please contact Debbie Kiser at kkiser@stny.rr.com or (607) 547-5647. All proceeds of the event will benefit the selected individuals.