Upcoming performances by Orpheus Theatre and the Catskill Community Players, a blood drive at Cooperstown Central School and the City of Oneonta's holiday schedule are among the topics covered in this week's news briefs.…
On Saturday, August 24, Pierstown Grange will host a free potluck dinner and concert. The potluck starts at 5:30 p.m., followed by the concert at 7 p.m. Sarah Hutchison and Margaret (Toni) Nemazi, of New York City and Cold Springs Harbor, respectively, will be performing, accompanied by Kerri Hogle of Milford. …
Read about the Cooperstown Chamber's "Scoop it Up" online auction, loss of funding to Destination Oneonta, the upcoming Rural and Small Business Seminar, new acquisitions by Fenimore Art Museum and an upcoming gallery opening in Gilbertsville.…