'Full Transition Plan'
Must Export 3,000
'Safely, Effectively'

By JIM KEVLIN • Special to

ONEONTA – After 100 students tested positive overnight to COVID-19, SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras returned to the campus for the third time in five days to announce he's closing SUNY Oneonta for the fall semester, shifting all instruction online.

"We will address the spring semester at a later time," he added.
In a 2 p.m. press conference next to the Chase Gym testing center, Malatras said he's directed campus President Barbara Jean Morris to develop "a full transition plan" over the next two weeks that is "safe and effective" in enabling the 3,000 campus students to leave Oneonta safely and go home without threat to their families and hometowns.
Students in "isolation" will remain on campus until it is safe for them to depart, he said.
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