Fully Implement Charter, Rissberger, Malone Say – All Otsego

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Fully Implement Charter, Rissberger, Malone Say

allotsego.com  – Common Council members Larry Malone, left, and David Rissberger both also served on the Charter Commission.



The city’s new charter, barely 2 years old, can certainly be adjusted, but, more important, the letter and the spirit of the document needs to be fully implements.
That the opinion of Common Council members David Rissberger, who chaired the Charter Commission, and Larry Malone.  Both were elected to Council after serving on the commission.
Mayor Dick Miller has asked all former members of the Charter Commission to participate in a new committee to review the charter, following the decision of Mike Long, the first person to hold the newly created city manager position, decided to retire after only 18 months.




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