Garfield: Nelson Should Self Reflect – All Otsego

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Letter from Robert Garfield

Nelson Should Self Reflect

Wriley Nelson (“J’accuse,” 10/3) is no Emile Zola. While he has the same right to criticize the actions and policies of Israel as he does to criticize those of any other country, he does not have the right to deny Israel’s right to exist. Israel is a sovereign nation, and has been so for 76 years.

Mr. Nelson may have stood opposed to the birth of Israel had he been alive in the year it was founded, but that is now history and cannot be undone. By continuing to hold this fanatic rejection of historical fact, Mr. Nelson places himself firmly in the company of the rapists and murderers of Hamas who attacked Israeli civilians one year ago. I suppose Mr. Nelson might call himself proud to be placed in such company. But surely Israel must take all measures to defend itself against those who wish to wipe it off the map, and cannot be expected to negotiate with those who wish to destroy it. If Mr. Nelson seeks to view the hands that hold Palestinian blood, he need look no further than his own.

I will direct my final remarks to Mr. Nelson personally. I know you’re reading this, Wriley, so consider that these words are spoken as I look directly into your bigoted, hateful eyes. You are an antisemite. You are an antisemite as surely as the Pope is Catholic. Your attempt to hide your antisemitism by hypocritical words of appeasement are as hollow as would be those of Tomás de Torquemada professing to love the Jews of Spain if only they will accept Christianity.

If you’re looking for someone to j’accuse, Mr. Nelson, take a look at yourself.

Robert Garfield


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