Goertemoeller: FoxCare Fitness Closing Questioned – All Otsego

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Letter from Cynthia and Bill Goertemoeller

FoxCare Fitness Closing Questioned

The recent surprise announcement of the closure of FoxCare Fitness comes as a real shock to many! Hundreds of clients, including hospital staff, use this state-of-the-art facility daily to help maintain healthy bodies and spirits.

As in other aspects of society, COVID played havoc with the program, which was closed for over a year. When it opened, the extended mask policy kept some people away. However, we saw no real publicity announcing the re-opening. Was there any real effort to lure folks back? Was the Oneonta community given warning that the facility would have to close if members did not come back in sufficient numbers? Could grants and county resources be tapped to give FCF longer to rebuild? There are many concerns that should be addressed before the death of a unique, vital resource that hugely impacts greater-Oneonta.

Perhaps, people felt a false sense of security about the future of FoxCare Fitness when they saw new lights above the pool and other repairs being made. Both the wonderful cardiac and physical therapy programs feed into FoxCare Fitness, as that is where many of their program “graduates” go to continue their recovery.

While there are some other area physical fitness facilities, some are overcrowded, too specialized, lacking in parking or difficult to enter. FCF is the only one that has medical surveillance on site. It is the home of wellness classes, such as Seniorcise, Stretch and Tai Chi, taught by very qualified instructors. Other facilities do not include both a standard pool and a therapy pool. The facility is clean, spacious and inviting; the product of a very competent, caring staff.

As 23-year veterans of FCF, having seen Fox Hospital diminish to a mere skeleton of its former self in terms of community service, will the demise of FCF be the last nail in the coffin? Bassett, please do not let this happen!

Cynthia and Bill Goertemoeller


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