Letter from Wayne Grandner
Decision by Coop ZBA
Much Appreciated
I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your recent decision to reject the application for a four room short-term rental at 40 Lake Street. The application was clearly an attempt to establish a commercial enterprise in a residential part of Cooperstown, and your decision to reject it was the right one.
I have concerns that the applicant may attempt to circumvent your decision by applying for a single room STR. If granted, it would be very hard for the village to monitor and regulate, and could potentially lead to the same negative impacts on the residential character of our community.
The fact that the initial request was for a four room STR is a clear indication of the intent to establish a commercial enterprise in a residential area. I commend your foresight in recognizing the potential negative impact of such a venture and taking a stand to protect our community.
Your decision to reject the four room STR application demonstrates your commitment to upholding the values and principles that make Cooperstown a great place to live. Your dedication to protecting the residential character of our community is deeply appreciated by many of us.
Thank you for your hard work and diligence in safeguarding the best interests of our community. We are fortunate to have a zoning board that is committed to ensuring that Cooperstown remains a peaceful and beautiful place to call home.
Wayne Grandner