And Of An Era: The Groff Era

Editor’s Note: This a letter of appreciation to the communities from Dr. Jerry Groff, who recently retired after decades among the hospital’s leadership.
Today is Thanksgiving 2020. The historic challenges and losses in the past year remind us to take extra time to give thanks for the things that have been good in our lives.
I completed my 37-year career at Bassett in October, and with that came the final move from Cooperstown to be close to family in New England. In 1977, when we arrived in town, Adam was a 1-year- old toddler, Lauren was born at Bassett Hospital the next year, and Sarah was small when we returned in 1986.
The Cooperstown community of friends became our extended family. Jeannine and I will always be grateful for your warmth and caring.
Bassett Hospital has been my professional home and I still believe in its mission. Since the usual farewells were not possible, let me say that among the great privileges of my career are the trust of my patients and the dedication of my colleagues.
It is my sincere hope that the tradition of Bassett continues into the future.
The Groff family will visit Cooperstown whenever we can (speaking of which, who has housing for Hall of Fame weekend?!). When we do come back, it will surely feel as though we never left.
Thank you.