Letter from Sherwood Guernsey
Dictatorship or Democracy?
Congressman Molinaro, and the other Republican congressmen and women across New York State, are attacking our own American justice system—and alleging it’s rigged. It would be unbelievable, except they are just marching to the drumbeat of their “dictator-to-be” leader.
Our justice system of open trials by 12 citizen jurors and full evidentiary disclosure was created by our forefathers to bring the rule of law to this new nation, not “verdict how you want it” justice.
Yet, Republicans are acting as they did after the 2020 election. When the jury verdict of 12 ordinary citizens—citizens approved by Trump’s attorneys—is contrary to what Republicans want, they claim the trial was rigged.
And Marc Molinaro is marching in lockstep.
Molinaro, who represents the Binghamton, Cortland, and Ithaca areas, called the Trump verdict a “perversion of our justice system” in a statement on social media.
“The leading contender for the presidency doesn’t belong behind bars. It’s disgraceful, unprecedented, and bad for democracy,” the congressman wrote.
And to reporters on Friday, he said: “This is not a great moment for this country. And it’s not a healthy rendering for democracy.”
Congressman: What’s bad for democracy is you undermining our nearly 250-year-old justice system, which was designed to hold people accountable for their crimes, to show that there is a price to pay for crime. Do you not want that? Are you telling New Yorkers not to bother prosecuting criminals? Or do you secretly want to have a dictator make decisions on guilt or innocence? That’s what we call fascism.
By the way, do you see President Biden and Democratic members of Congress yelling and bashing the court that is right now hearing the case of Hunter Biden, the president’s son? No, they are not following the anti-American example that Republican leaders set with the Trumptrial. That’s called respect for the law, for the American judicial system. That’s what patriotism is. That’s what democracy is.
You have a choice in November: Democracy or dictatorship. I choose democracy.
Sherwood Guernsey
Williamstown MA