Celebrate The Life & Legacy
Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
CELEBRATION—3 p.m. The community is invited to the “Let Us Fulfill The Dream” celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday. The day will feature local leaders, musicians, college students, and scholars who will give statements, readings, and musical performances that honor Dr. King’s legacy. Free, open to the public. Held at the First United Presbyterian Church, 2 Walling Avenue, Oneonta. Visit https://www.oneontanaacp.com/
WATERFOWL CENSUS—All day. Help the Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society count the numbers and types of waterfowl along Otsego County’s waterways. These numbers will then be used by NYS to manage these species in the coming year. Contact Andy Mason at (607) 652-2162 or visit facebook.com/DelawareOtsegoAudubonSociety/
WINTER CONCERT—3 p.m. The Little Delaware Youth Ensemble presents their winter concert featuring a program ranging from Mendelssohn to the “Super Mario” theme. Free. Held at Anderson Theater, Hartwick College, Oneonta. (917) 902-9301 or visit ldye.org