Go ‘Into The Woods’
With Orpheus Theatre

THEATER—7:30 p.m. The Starstruck Players youth troop of the Orpheus Theatre presents “Into the Woods,” which brings together the classic fairytales from Rapunzel to Little Red Riding Hood for an adventure with a Big Bad Wolf, a princess festival, and a quest. Tickets, $15/adult. Held at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, Oneonta. (607) 432-1800 or visit facebook.com/OrpheusTheatre/
BLOOD DRIVE—1-6 p.m. Save up to three lives with the American Red Cross. Otego Community, 5 River Street, Otego. Register at redcrossblood.org
CABARET—5-9 p.m. The CCS Music Association presents Cabaret Night with students and community groups. Includes ziti and salad dinner (preorder required) and a silent auction. Held at Cooperstown High School Cafeteria & Auditorium. (607) 547-8181 or visit cooperstowncs.org
CABARET NIGHT—6:30 p.m. Join the Stan Fox and Friends jazz band for an evening of music, dancing and good vibes. There will be a cash bar and light refreshments available. Admission is by donation. Proceeds go to support the programming of the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center. Held at the Foothills, Oneonta. (607) 431-2080 or visit foothillspac.org
CABIN FEVER—7 p.m. The Cabin Fever Film Series presents “Tár” about Lydia Tár (played by Cate Blanchett), the first female conductor in Germany, and her work to live up to her name as she records her latest symphony. Free admission, donations gratefully accepted. Auditorium, Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1400 or visit fenimoreartmuseum.org
TEEN ZONE—7-10 p.m. Students in grades 7-12 are invited for a fun night of games and activities each Friday. Games range from air hockey to Xbox games to board games, with arts and crafts, baking, movie nights, and more also offered. Held at The Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. richfieldspringscommunitycenter.org/the-zone/