Hike Through SUNY College
Camp With The Mountain Club

COMMUNITY HIKE—9:45 a.m. The community is invited for a group hike with the Susquehanna Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club. Please bring appropriate clothing, gear, enough water to stay hydrated and be aware of your level of fitness. Contact hike leader for more information. This week’s hike will be at the SUNY College Camp, 119 Hoffman Road, Oneonta, with hike leader Peggy Palmer (607) 432-6024 or visit susqadk.org
T ZONE—4-6 p.m. Teens aged 12-15 are invited for this after-school program to de-stress, enjoy a nutritious snack and play games with their peers in a safe environment. Held Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. Visit richfieldspringscommunitycenter.org/programs/
TAX PREP—6-8 p.m. Get ready for tax season with the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Hartwick college accounting students certified by the IRS, with their professor, will be available to provide one-on-one assistance in preparing individual tax returns. Either in person or online. Held at the Golisago Hall, 2nd Floor, Hartwick College, Oneonta. (607) 431-4338 or visit facebook.com/ofoinc/